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  • Writer's picture Sheryl Quebral | VA

Food Business Operations Made Easy-Hire A Virtual Assistant

Updated: Dec 5, 2019

Operating a restaurant business can be tough. As a Chef-Restaurant owner

must be a jack of all trades. It is a very tough job to be in the restaurant business especially for the Chefs who are not just creating recipes, doing the costing, making sure that the kitchen runs smoothly but at the same time make sure dining runs smoothly and guests are able to enjoy their experience. Often, Chef-Restaurant owners doesn’t have the luxury to oversee the administrative side.. Luckily, a Virtual Assistant can shed off the burden of those tasks. According to , A Virtual Assistant is an independent contractor who provides administrative services to clients while operating outside of the client’s office. This means a virtual assistant can do clerical tasks, post and create regular updates on social media, engage in customer feedback and many more.

Handling Social Media Marketing and Customer Service

Chef- restaurant owners often focus mainly on food and service itself. A Chef is mostly trained to do tasks in the kitchen.But how about handling Marketing, Customer Service? Do Chefs have the luxury of time to do those tasks while making sure there is no chaos? Or Do Chefs think that if they produce great food, people will magically dine in their restaurants? Unfortunately, the answer is no. Here comes the role of a Virtual Assistant . It is vital in the food business as the digital age is concerned that not only presentation matters but customer feedback, social media presence and administrative tasks are well taken care of.

How a Virtual Assistant support the Business Thrive?

As a Virtual Assistant, we will work together to create an ideal Social Media Marketing for your restaurant that will help you gain more dinners but also achieve your sales goals. According to an article in, one client’s business sales grew 40% when he hired a Virtual Assistant. Virtual Assistant’s task is not only limited in creating a Social Media strategy for your restaurant but also assist you manage important restaurant database such as suppliers list, create workable inventory, manage employee payrolls, update recipe database, recipe research and many more. These back-end tasks play a vital role to support a restaurant business thrive,thus making a Virtual Assistant present in these tasks will not only help but also be a bridge between running a smooth restaurant and being able to focus on engaging with customers.

Passion, Commitment and Dedication, Sheryl Quebral your Virtual Assistant!:)

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